Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Laughing while benching

Today despite the knee, I went to the gym for some strength training and cross training action. My cousin met me there around 6. For some reason, I had left way too early and by the time she got there she decided it was nice out and she was just going to run outside. Walking to the parking lot, we chatted and shared some laughs about the meatheads that were working out earlier. On my drive home I began thinking about how lucky I am to have such a great group of supportive friends and family. At work, Becky is constantly keeping me sane and on my workout game. We chat about running routes and the excitement of telling everyone we pass (including children) that we are running a marathon. In the gym, my cousin is my soul sister. Always giving me inspiration and good laughs to get through the most horrifying workouts. At home, Hans and Kath are always asking me how the workouts are going and helping me stay positive when I have to rest my knee. Who could forget about my best friends (Heather, Luisa, Sara and Jackie) who are constantly checking my blog and supporting my races and new found love for running. The point is, sometimes its nice to just have someone who you can depend on to work out with. Or just someone who supports you in your efforts to accomplish a life long dream like a marathon. Good Support systems make showing up to the gym or hitting the running trail that much more pleasurable. If you don't have a workout buddy, I recommend you get one. When the going gets tough, its nice to have a shoulder to lean on or another set of hands to help stretch those hammies :) Luckily, I have quite a few. 


  1. Thanks for the shoutout lady!! Me love you long time...just so you know, no matter what happens with the knee, we are doing this marathon! I don't care if we have to walk it or pull you in a wagon, we will finish this son of a bitch!
