Monday, May 2, 2011

Cross Training the Days Away

Strength training+ Ice Cream+ Ice Packs= :)
You know what they say, better safe than sorry. I seemed to have hurt my right knee over the weekend. After talking with my trainer Chrissy and my amazing soccer playing cousin, I realized it may just be an overuse injury. I never thought I would be sad to not run, but I was jealous of the runners I passed today on the way to the gym. I actually miss running. ( I know, Insanity) I am going to take a few days off to cross train/strength train and to ice this bad boy till its back to normal. Who knows maybe I can rest up and eat a few ice cream cones in the process. Hey, a little ice (cream) never hurt anybody :) I will pick back up on Thursday and just take it easy till then. I knew going into this there would be set backs, I was just hoping they wouldn't happen this early on! Good thing the roads are always open. 


  1. That's the way to stay positive! You'll be back out there in no time!

  2. Save your energy for Thursday! Hope it will be better by then, but if not, we have Iron Pigs 5K Sunday!
