Thursday, January 10, 2013

Whole30 results and Fungus

Day 9 here and I have to say, I am feeling a little bit mean. I have been sleeping like a rock, ( good thing) I have more energy in the morning ( good thing) but by the end of the day I want to curl up into a ball and rot. I am exhausted. Aside from the usual work assault, nothing new is going on! I decided to make breakfast for dinner, because I am tired. This cooking business is tedious. I tried to make a perfect over easy egg but it didn't work, and since I was on the lazy train, I had to just scramble it! (boring). 

In the Whole30 Bible, it says that days 8-15 are a real challenge because you start to crave foods that you haven't had. I have to tell you, I was eyeing up pretzels today at work like a lion about to attack a gazelle. I also, had to the unpleasant experience of handing out cupcakes to the kids. Instead of having one, I asked the person who made them if I could just smell them. All time low? Perhaps. But none the less, I shoved my head into the container and breathed as deep as an asthmatic. 

Dinner tonight or shall I say breakfast for meal 3

Portabella Mushroom with yams scrambled eggs with veggies and apple smoked bacon.
Now something exciting! Some real results!

My friend Lauren actually completed the Whole30 on Tuesday. She was wild enough to take on the challenge during the holidays! What a beast! She made it all the way till the end and has continued her food plan this week and I believe was going to reintroduce beer tonight. She did a great job and she told me I could share her results. Check them out below! 

Laurens Before
Laurens awesome after

* Great job Lauren! You look great, but you did before too!

1 comment:

  1. Two 8oz glasses of wine and a cannoli....tasted good last night, but the body HATES me today. I seriously feel like I spent the entire night binge drinking. I think I reintroduced too much at once!!! I am back on the good eating train as of breakfast though. I don't plan on deviating too much. Obviously, my body is telling me something..."Keep that crap out of me!"

    I hope my pictures can be somewhat inspirational! It's so worth it in the end :)
