Saturday, April 28, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

Making decisions isn't usually my favorite thing to do. This week, my decision was to run or not to run the half marathon tomorrow. I ended up polling a lot of people, and the consensus was there was really no choice, but to run. So, naturally last night I ended up at the bar. Before I knew it, one drink turned into six and by the time the morning came, I had picked up a one way ticket to Hangover city. Nothing like prepping for a big race, by drinking two days before. You can guess i spent literally the entire day in bed unable to move. I did manage to make it across town to pick up my race packet and Bib number. My cousin gave me a pep talk this afternoon and I am feeling about as good as one can for not training. If I do really bad, theres nobody to blame but me. I am hoping there are a few walkers out there so at least I am not last. See you at the starting line. 

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