Friday, June 10, 2011

Steady As She Goes

Running is a lot like life. Only 10% of it is exciting;the other 90% of it is slog and drudge. - Dave Bedford English distance runner who occasionally puts in over 200 miles a week in training.

This week Christmas came again in the form of the UPS man. Now that I have my new reflective Nike vest and my sick water bottle fanny pack I think Ive reached my quota of running accessories. I love running, but its sometimes hard to stay motivated. For me, buying new must have running swag always makes me want to hit the streets. Looking over the marathon training schedule this week made me want to seriously re think my decision to run 26.2 miles and of course question my sanity. I have decided that I need to run this marathon with no excuses. Thankfully, running is a what you put in, you get back type of sport. There really is no competition out there but yourself. You decide how far you will go, if you can keep going or if you are going to stop. Running is powerful because its you against yourself. At the end of the day, you decide how far you will push yourself, you decide if you can stay at that sub 9 minute pace for all 5 miles, you decide if you are willing to run in the the most horrid of elements. You make your own motivation, and if you fail the only person who you can blame is yourself. Now that summer is around the corner, the dedication of the training is becoming more real. I am ready for the challenge, and I have a feeling its going to be a hell of a struggle. In the end, I am running for myself day to day but on marathon day I will be running for my dad. I am sure I will need his help around mile 16 and beyond. It also happens to be his birthday, so maybe some post run celebrating will be needed. See you on the streets, BYOM. ( bring your own motivation) 

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