Friday, June 3, 2011

How To Be A Reckless Runner

I re read a few of my older blog posts and I started to think about who, if anyone reads them. I know my friends do, and my family mainly because I make them. I hope someone at some point has been inspired to run or just go out and see how far they can jog if its been a while. Incase you have been hitting the streets lately this ones for you! Tonight, I would like to give you my list of the top 10 ways you too, can be a Reckless Runner.

10. Buy countless items that you "need" such as a polar watch, fanny pack water belt and new clothes to fit in on the streets of the thriving metropolis that is Hatfield, Pa.

9. Add a little squeak in your run by wearing a large and unflattering knee brace that really amps up the heat from your thigh to your calf in humid weather.

8. Give a wave and nod to passers by while running around town. If you already do this, take it up a notch and try to get truck drivers to beep or cars to slow down and yell words of encouragement or just flirt with you. 

7. Run proudly past the person you didn't see on their porch who just heard you singing Salt and Peppas "Push It" as loudly as humanly possible.

6. Give dirty looks to people who drive by with their air conditioning blasting while you are ready to keel over on the side of the road. 

5. Always keep your eyes peeled for a BBQ or outdoor party you can invite yourself to and pretend you know some of the guests.

4. Make sure you alert family members of your running route. If you have people you know driving by, you're bound to move that ass a little faster. Plus, if you cant make it home you have what I like to refer to as the "Rescue Ride". 

3. Approach local wildlife fearlessly. Go over and touch those baby geese and let that rabid dog follow you. It is always more fun when you are being chased or if you have a  new flesh wound. 

2. Don't be ashamed to re route your run past the local ice cream shop. Its OK to swing by and sample some sweet treats. ( everyone needs a reason to keep running sometimes)

1. Just run. Run fast, run slow, run early or late. Just get out there and go. You will be surprised how far you can go and how much you can do that you never knew you could.