It's no secret that I love ice cream and anything that is sweet and unhealthy :) Unfortunately, lately my stomach has been giving me trouble again and I think diet has a lot to do with it. Often times after I run, I get pains in my stomach and recently they have been not only worse, but lasting much longer than usual. In an effort to stop this, I've been researching runners diets. Now, I don't mean your usual weight loss diet, but instead foods and nutrients that are essential to runners. Luckily, my go to website for all things running, Runners World has some great articles about runners diets. Here are a list of their most important food choices.
1. Eat seeds and food from seeds. Seeds give your body important protein as well as compounds that help you to maintain a healthy body weight.
2. Eat plant food and their skins intact. Skins on plants such as potatoes and zucchini help with digestion as well as intestinal regulation. They are also great at helping to curb your appetite and again maintain a healthy weight.
3. Drink milk.
4. Eat foods that come from cold water. Fish and seafood offer great sources of protein as well as important minerals such as copper, zinc, and chromium. These minerals are heart healthy and also help aid in curbing depression.
5. Eat meats that are free range. Free range animals tend to have more Omegas 3's then stock yard raised animals.
After doing much research, a vegetarian lifestyle is said to be the best for the environment as well as your body over all. I once did a stint as a vegetarian for about 3 months after being inspired from my vegan best friend Heather :) Although I didn't last long, I did feel the difference in my energy levels as well as my overall mood. As a runner however, I feel like meat is needed for protein and energy for me personally. I have decided tonight that next week I will begin my own Runners Diet consisting of only raw foods and free range meat. For one week I will have absolutely NO PROCESSED FOODS. Only things from the ground or meat raised without hormones or additives. I hope to gain some overall stomach health and a positive mood booster :) I of course will report back and hopefully be able to feel a difference in my overall health and mood. I can only pray that it helps to improve my performance while running as well. I will be starting on Thursday July 30th. Until then its business as usual.
( When I get back from the beach).
For more information click on the websites below
Runners Diet
American Heart Association Explains Vegetarian Diets
Key Nutrients for Runners
I've been telling you to drink milk forever!!