Its funny, and factual |
Tonight was my first physical therapy session for my knee. I found out a lot about my body, which wasn't the best news. For instance, I learned that my hips and core aren't strong enough to carry my body while running and that I have tendinitis in my knee.On the plus side, I learned a lot of good exercises while I was there and I am confident I can work on strengthening my hip flexors and core enough to support my bad knee. At the end of my session, the therapist hooked me up to some electrodes that send a current through your knee to alleviate the pain then pumped up a large knee brace ice pack to soothe the pain away. I am going to be going back next week, so of course I will update you. Now on to the real reason for the blog tonight. SHOUT OUTS!!!! I've been thinking a lot lately about all the wonderful people in my life and how they really inspire me to want to be the best runner I can be! Recently, my friends have started running and its really been great to see them work towards a goal and share in the same awesome hobby that I have recently taken on. Its really great to chat with about training schedules and struggles. Its even more amazing to share in the accomplishments and break throughs. Luisa is training for a half marathon, which is so great. I am so happy to hear about her progress and know that shes in the same boat as me, training for a long term goal. Jackie, is training for the 8 miler midnight race in July which I am also training for. We are using the same schedule so its nice to know that were not going it alone. Amanda my wonderful cousin recently bought some running swag and planned out her month of training and also has a bad ass countdown started to pump herself up for the marathon training schedule. My best friend Sara, is always supportive of my blog and my running escapades,constantly giving me support and showing me love My Vegan BFF Heather, inspires me to eat well and make healthy choices. Showing me love across the continental US and keeping me informed of races in San Fran. She fills me in on the running community in California. Hans, my running go to inspiration. His natural speed and talent are unparalleled and make me wanna move like him. FAST! Lastly, I would like to give a shout out to K Smith my mom. Who supports my running and refers to me as Reckless whenever possible. She also printed out a picture of me running and posted it on the fridge to inspire me to keep going. Love her.
Thanks to everyone for the Inspiration and the love! xo
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