Hello Day 16. Whole30 is going well and I am not craving anything other then the occasional pretzel. I went to order Well Fed, a paleo cook book but, Barnes and Noble was completely sold out. I ordered it on amazon. My friend Lauren recommended it and she really needs to start her own blog. Her results were amazing and shes lost 14 pounds in about a month. Lauren if you are reading this, YOU NEED A BLOG!
I went to the doctor today, and I am proud to report I am in good health. When they tried to weigh me, I told her that she couldn't tell me what the scale said. Whole30 insists on no weigh ins or measuring during the detox. The lady thought I was a psycho and probably wrote down "Potential eating disorder" clearly she doesn't know that tonight for dinner I made a meat loaf wrapped in bacon! Boosh! There were also some hard boiled eggs on the inside for extra protein. You know our motto, if you can beat it with a club, than you can eat it!
I promise- once I get over the Flu, I'm making a blog, just for you!