Today, I headed to Wegman's to get some supplies. Mainly, I was in the market for coconut oil to use as a healthy fat. Blah Blah. I found it. While there, I also stumbled upon some exotic fruits. I saw a sign for Jicama and I was excited because I saw it in many recipes that included it and I wanted to give it a try. I mean who the hell knows what Jicama is? Not me! Unfortunately, I had no clue which bin held said Jicama and ended up buying two guavas by mistake. One would think, the big sticker that said GUAVA would have tipped me off. But Alas, I got home and ended up with the seeded nightmare that is the guava. If you have never had one, I dont really suggest you waste the .50 cents. They are so seedy, you cant even get a good bite in! See the green seedy mini beast below...

The guava was obviously a bust, but I did get some rare WHole30 things that I couldnt find other places. Tonight, I planned on making marinated shrimp with a mango salsa. I edited a few things and followed a recipe from Emeril for the shrimp marinade. I gotta tell you, the guys really onto something! Emeril did not disappoint. The shrimp were great, even though I bought the mini ones by accident. The salsa was also really good. It was a nice change of pace from beef. I give it 5 stars.
Shrimp with mango, pineapple and sweet red peppers
Now I give to you, my random Pepper Picture. Its random for sure, but isn't it a good looking pepper? It could be a model if there was a vegetable fashion show.
My Wegmans Perfect Pepper.
* I wanted to showcase this pepper, but I ate it. ( and a clementine) . |
Talking with Shell right now... she said at a pampered chef event, the lady said that if a pepper has three nubs at the bottom you're suppose to eat it raw. If it has four nubs at the bottom youre suppose to cook it. Food for thought... maybe a random post after research lol
ReplyDeleteI was getting organic peppers delivered to me for a while. They are indeed the super models of peppers! Almost too pretty to eat...I said almost!
ReplyDelete@ amanda good to know! The ladies at Pampered Chef dont play!
ReplyDelete@ Lauren they are so fancy! I knew it was organic because she was such a beauty.