Last night, my wonderfully kind boyfriend took me on a fancy date to a local hot spot- Bone fish grille. I was super excited, because I had eaten there before,its delish and all that sea food would be Whole30 compliant. WINNING. We got there and ordered and I lied to the waitress. ( not my finest moment, but I didn't want to tell her about my psycho eating plan as of late) I told her I had an oil allergy, not even sure if they exist- but the diet is strict and I needed my sea bass with olive oil. She said no problem, so I ordered, Hans ordered. No harm, no foul. Right before our meal came out, she mentioned that the chef uses soy oil, not olive. RED FLAG Unfortunately, that is 100% non Whole30 compliant. Now, a regular human might have re ordered, or just thought how bad could a little oil be? But this book seriously stresses that even a little bit of something off limits can ruin the whole detox. So, out came the sea bass and I ate it. I might be crazy but who the hell am I not to eat a $30 dollar piece of fish? I am not that crazy. I ate it, and while it was good, it was also, along with the broccoli, drenched in butter.

Now normally, I love me a good stick of butter ( the devil), but it actually made me feel sick to my stomach. In fact, after a few bites, it was all I could taste. I blame myself for this mistake. I have eaten out enough to know that butter is on fish and veggies alike. I researched a little on line to see if I could continue on with my Whole30 without a restart- NO DICE. I got hit hard on the butter (devil) train. So, in lieu of today being day 11 it is actually back to day 1. Don't get me wrong, I threw a HUGE fit, and cried a little. OK I am lying, I cried a lot
But I am going to continue on with the Whole30. I will just take it a little longer than planned. The end date was posted as January 31, it will now be good old February 12th. Oh well, lesson learned. I am counting today as day 11 I am just going to stay on the Whole30 train a little longer. Plus, I already marked a countdown on my calendar and that cant be changed- I used a sharpie for crying out loud!
To all you Whole30ers out there the moral of this story is...
Stay away from the butter devil and keep on truckin'
10-4 good buddies!
Haha I love your Paula Dean photo!!! Sucks that you have to start over again, but not really. If you'll be anything like me, you won't want to stop. I went to a bridal expo today and everyone wanted to shove cake samples down my throat. I took one bite and was overwhelmed by the taste of sugar. I made my niece do all of the eating for me! She felt horrible by the end...sugar coma!