Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thank You

Tonight, I am getting quite emotional and thinking about all the people who helped me get to where I am. I dont know if I could have made it this far in my training without all the faith and love I was given during my training. I am of course, getting nervous but I am trying to channel that energy into enthusiasm. Its time to put on my game face and do this thing. Its stressful to think about running 26.2 miles but I know that I will finish. I just hope that I can stay positive while I am running and keep the faith. Thank you to everyone who believes in me and helped me to stay on track and actually follow through with this. At times, I definitely wanted to quit but I am glad I didnt. I am thankful for the legs I have that will carry me to the finish and my friends and family who believed in me enough to make it there. So, Thank you. To all of those who read my blog or may have stumbled across it thanks for reading and following my journey. I am going to keep running and blogging after this marathon so I hope you will continue to read and enjoy my reckless experiences. Disney, I am coming for you. See you at the finish. 

Special Thanks:

Mom- Thank you for believing in me and reminding me to get off my butt and make things happen.

Tyler- Thank you for getting excited and reminding me that I can kick this marathons ass. Bring your cow bell!

Uncle Phil and Aunt Gail- Thank you for the faith and confidence in me. Without the pep talks and undying confidence I would have given up or floundered more then once. 

Amanda- I love you. Thank you for sharing this experience with me. I cant wait to see you at the finish. I am proud of you and couldnt think of anyone I would rather be with for this.

Hans- You've been my running partner from the start. Weve come a long way since our first 5k. I cant believe that we are making this happen. I will look for you at the finish, like I always do. It wouldnt be the same without you cheering me on.

Becky- I cant believe that we are making this happen. Thank you for being my running partner and making me run when I didnt want to. This is going to be insane. Weve got this.

Sara, Jackie, Head, Lu, Lauren - Thank you for reminding me that I can do whatever I put my mind to. Thanks for listening to me ramble about running all summer, being hot, cold tired, hungry and injured. Thank you for supporting me and showing interest in my new love :)

Jenny- Thanks for making me run through the parkway, uphills and eat bugs in the name of running! 

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