Resolutions for a new year.

Well, its that time of year again. New Years! A time for reflection and for making dreaded resolutions. We all make them, the usual lose weight, work out. get finances in order etc. Tonight, I got to thinking about resolutions and why they are so appealing. I did some research and what I found was actually quite boring and monotonous. The same resolutions filled list after list and website upon website. I had even come to realize that I was guilty of adopting many of them as my own resolutions in past years; Spend more time with family. quit smoking, learn something new etc. I suppose that resolutions are popular because they offer us an immediate new goal for a new year. A new year, means a fresh start and a time to do something that you have been meaning to do. Although sometimes lame and corny, they offer us a chance to do something worthy of applause, and when we actually follow through with them, they give us a feeling of accomplishment. This year, I have one resolution. Its to be open and honest at all costs, while expressing myself with confidence and clarity. If you don't have a resolution, don't fret. There is still plenty of time to come up with a good one, or none at all! Whatever your resolution, or goal for the new year, good luck! With health and happiness, Cheers to a great 2012!
I still need to make my list...or do I? Nothing is poppin out at me at the moment. Let me know if you think of any <3