Monday, November 7, 2011

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Mother Teresa

Its funny sometimes how just a small thing can effect you in such a profound way. In times of despair its always interesting to get perspective from other people, and perspective is such an powerful thing. People around you come with wisdom, comfort and affection. They offer you a sense of peace during an otherwise turmoiled time. During these times, its easy to think back to accomplishments and failures. Smiling on the good times, and remembering the bad reflection helps us move forward and appreciate all the times that have passed. I would like to share with you one of my more memorable accomplishments, that also happens to be an on going one. Over the past year, I embarked on a journey of running. It was something that I always wanted to do, but never had the courage. I didn't think that I would be good enough, strong enough or fast enough. I had even signed up for races, and not gone out of fear. But on December 1st of last year, I signed up for a 5k in the parkway. At the time, I told Hans that it would be fun to do a 5k. We could train together and get to experience the thrill of a real race. With Hans by my side, we braved the rain and cold. At the time those 3.2 miles seemed like a million but we did it.   finishing with a meager time and a glove full of snot, I was proud. I did it. A small thing to some, big to me. With him by my side, I was able to put the faith in myself to finish.  He's been with me throughout my running journey ever since and even though it hasn't always been pretty he never went running ( get it running?) . From injuries to triumphs, heat, rain cold and pain he always had faith in me. He has pushed me along with gentle reminders to get off the couch and get out there. Always knowing that when I crossed the finish line, he would be there with a hug waiting and a high five right after. About a month ago, I received a gift with a note on one of my worst running days to date. So bad in fact, that I wanted to give up. Completely put it all behind me and spend my days as a lonely walker wondering what could have been. We all know that didn't happen but the gift, was something special. Small in size, big in meaning. Its rough around the edges, but gets the job done. I look at it daily and read the note that sits aside it. It reads " You can do it! I believe in you". Some days, strength lies deep within you. Today, it wasn't in me but in my cactus. When I look at it, it reminds me of how far Ive come and how much further I will be able to go. Its a prickly reminder that even when I don't have faith in myself, someone out there that loves me does and that's enough to lace up and hit the streets. In a few months, I will be in the happiest place on earth with the people who believe in me the most. I will be running hard, with my dad in my heart. All the while with that cactus on my mind, until I reach the finish line. Where I completely expect a hug and a high 5. 

1 comment:

  1. Of course I will be there for a huge hug and a high five! Even better, I will be there for Disney with you after the race :)
