Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Bunnies and Sore Legs The Saga Continues

To be completely honest, I have been very sore lately. So sore in fact that it hurts to move my ragged body up and down the steps. Lets get real, 26 weeks of training for a marathon, is a loooong time. Well, technically its 25 weeks now. This morning marked day 2. The goal was to run 4 miles and the mission was completed with my cousin. We went to our local park at 5:45 this morning and there was one other brave soul walking their dog when we arrived. We warmed up, had time to catch up and then began our run. It was great running with her and having someone to talk to, and of course complain to that I was too sore to continue. But, we didn't stop we kept going amidst the baby rabbits that were at every turn. When I slowed down, she told me to hurry up and all in all we ended up running 4 miles. I have to give a shout out for her sprinting skills, cause she killed it from the playground to the car. You go girl. Until tomorrow.

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