Friday, April 29, 2011

Broad Street Run Regrets

The Broad Street Run is this Sunday and it seems like everyone is gearing up for the big race. Unfortunately, I will not be running the 10 miler this year. I was in Asia during registration and when I got back to the States and tried to register, it was full. I did come across a few leads on craigslist and Twitter to get bib numbers but nothing really panned out. I will be there though, cheering on my cousin Amanda and my best friend Becky. I might even make a creepy sign for them to show my support. Dont worry if you cant make it, I will take a million pictures and be sure to post them on the blog. If you're racing this weekend, good luck and remember to give em hell. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grand Floridian to Animal Kingdom and all thats in between.

I am now officially registered to run in the Walt Disney World Marathon this January! My hardcore training will be 26 weeks long beginning on July 10th one day after my 28th birthday. (Eek!) For now my focus is running for time not for distance. If you have time please check out the marathon information below including the insanity that is the race course across all the parks Disney has to offer. Too bad it doesn't include Sea World, I could probably go for a swim after all that running. At least I will get a free ticket to enjoy the park the day after the race. I am sure I will be able to walk by then.....lets hope so anyway. 

Walt Disney World Marathon

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Be A Smart Camel: 101 Training Tips for Beginning Runners

Today I didn't run, but I thought about it. ( That counts for something right?) While I am not running, I like to read up on it so I feel confident with my knowledge of the sport. Today, I came across a great web post from 

Runners World called 101 Greatest Running Tips for Women. I read all 101 and wanted to share my favorites with you, in case you don't have the time or desire to read them all. If you are new to running, they are worth your while :)

Jackie's Top 5 Tips from Runners World

1. Do what you must do
"If one can stick to training throughout many long years, then willpower is no longer a problem. It's raining? That doesn't matter. I'm tired? That's beside the point. It's simply that I have to." --Emil Zatopek 

2. Go minimalist  
"Marathon training doesn't have to be a grind. By running for about 30 minutes two times a week, and by gradually increasing the length of a third weekly run--the long run--anyone can finish a marathon." --Jeff Galloway

3. Make the switch
"The difference between a jogger and a runner is a race-entry blank." --Dr. George Sheehan

4.  Be a smart camel
"Before you do your long run, place containers of sports drink out on your course, even if you have to bury them." --Runner's World editors

5, Work on your growl
The long run puts the tiger in the cat." --Bill Squires, marathon coach

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pounding Pavement

After my craptastic run yesterday I was determined to go out today and kill it. I was super apprehensive about running in the heat again, but I made myself believe it would be fine. I was also nervous because today was the first day I ran outside alone. Now don't get me wrong, I am not afraid to be alone, but running on the street is another level of running. In my opinion, its harder then the treadmill not to mention there are people driving and most likely watching you while you sweat. To my surprise I started out strong and felt great. Even in the heat all a girl needs is a little breeze! While running, I passed other girls who were doing the same. We exchanged smiles and kept on. Further along, I passed a few cute guys and even a biker who also gave me the "were on the road working hard" wave and smile. I was so surprised to see all these friendly people out running. It felt good to be in good company while running the streets. The highlight of the run would have to be the beeping coming from the younger neighborhood boys. They could have been rude, but they weren't. They waved, I waved and it was motivation to run a little faster. Today was the beginning of a beautiful relationship with running. WINNING.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rookie Mistake: Dont Underestimate The Weather

Today I had off from work so I thought it would be a great time to go for a run outside with my cousin. Since I slept till 10am we didn't hit the pavement till around 12. Things started off great and then the heat of the sun hit me. Ugh, I am definitely not used to running outside for long distances or running in the elements. I know this sounds crazy, but 80 degrees is warm, especially when you are running outside. I made it about 2.3 miles before I had to stop and walk. I think I am going to need to start running early in the morning or late afternoon once it gets warm. I am now dreading the summer months of training. July is coming soon, and I need to be ready. I will be back out there again tomorrow, hopefully for more than 2.3 miles :) 
** Update** This afternoon Hans and I went to Peace Valley Park. He ran and I rode my bike. We did 3 miles. 

See a recap of my run with Amanda below.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Swag

The Easter Bunny has arrived and he came with some fabulous running swag. Aside, from the endless Cadbury Cream Eggs and the Jelly Beans, I got a Nike Plus. Its fairly fancy and goes right into the bottom of your Nikes. It sends information to your I pod including, pace, time and of course calories burned while you run. Cant wait to hit the pavement tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great time today with good family and friends. Tomorrow is a great day for everyone to start running and work off all those extra holiday calories. Happy Easter :) 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Read for Runners

Ask anyone how I roll and they will tell you I love me some self help books. What better way to learn the ins and outs of running then with a book? I recently bought the Runners World Complete Book of Women's Running and I am officially obsessed! This book is like the running bible for beginners and intermediate runners. There are so many helpful hints as well as practical advice and motivation to achieve whatever your running goals may be. It addresses common questions that runners have as well as ways to stay motivated and prevent injury.  If you are new to running, I highly recommend this book :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Inspirational Runners: Kathrine Switzer

Kathrine Switzer is an inspirational woman and runner. Marathons had banned women up until 1972. During this time Kathrine trained at night running in the cold, snow, and ice up to 10 miles a day. She continued her training up until the spring until her friend registered her in the Boston Marathon. She signed in as K.V.  and had planned to blend in with the guys for the race. She was ready to race with her boyfriend and several close friends in toe. Only 4 miles into the race, Switzer was attacked by the man who was in charge of the Boston Marathon. While Switzer ran the man jumped on top of her and attempted to rip off her race number. Luckily, her boyfriend helped her get away and her friends encouraged her to "run like hell". Switzer made it to the finish line in the Boston Marathon and later went on to complete many more races. She was a trailblazer for women runners. Please visit her website below for more information.

Beast in training

Strength training is an important aspect of becoming an efficient runner. Recently, I decided that I would be strength training  between 3-4 times a week in addition to my running regimen. So, this morning I found myself at my gym, surrounded by about 25 sweaty men. ( Hey, I am not complaining) I went to the weight lifting area and got right into my workout. Normally, I would be apprehensive to do this since I am not an expert on weight training. When I do make a rare appearance I get frustrated because I don't know how to use most of the machines, and on top of that I always feel like I am in the way of some macho man who needs to work his triceps. None the less, I was there and I was determined to get through my workout. For once, I felt like it didn't matter that I was a girl or that I had no clue how to use the super squat thingy. I was there, the boys were there and we were both sweating and grunting on an equitable basis. This morning I was there because I deserved to be. For all the running and working out I've been doing, I think I've earned a place with the guys. Make no mistake, I will be back. So if you happen to see a brunette at the gym staring at you, don't be alarmed. It's just Jackie, trying to steal your workout moves and turn herself into a beast just like the boys :) 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

5 miles, my best friends bike, and some sweet treats

Today, unlike yesterday, was a running success. I was able to strength train at the gym as well as run 5 miles. After my workout, I went to my best friend Heather's house. Shes moving soon to San Francisco and let me test drive her bike she wasn't going to take with her. It was love at first pedal on Woodstream drive. I plan to use the bike to cross train when I am further along into my marathon training. Since its been awhile since Ive ridden a bike, I took it for a spin and ended up at my local ice cream shop. Turns out the bike is road worthy and I still have it. Luckily, the ice cream place had cookie dough ice cream. WINNING on multiple levels. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Moving at a glacial pace

I know myself fairly well after 27 years. So I know that I need to psych myself up to complete undesirable tasks. Since the weather is rainy today, I felt especially inclined to sleep all day in my bed and eat cookie dough ice cream. I would rather do anything than run. All day, I told myself I was going to run tonight and it would be the best 4 miles ( and fastest) of my life. After lunch, motivation was still high and I was actually starting to believe what I was telling myself. Then, I actually got to the gym. After about 2 miles I started to fade. Thats when I turned on the Gaga and ran as fast as I could for as long as I could before I was officially ready to tap out. I knew my legs couldn't carry me much further and I was disappointed I didn't reach my goal. ( 4miles) I need to realize that there will be days when this happens. I cant beat myself up over missing a few miles here and there. All I can do is try again tomorrow and hope that I will settle into a good pace and meet my distance run head on. I have to really start turning on my inner runner and going the distance ( no pun intended) to make this 26.2 mile marathon a reality.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Do these shorts make my butt look fast?

As a beginning runner I think it's very important to look the part. Nobody wants to be running and look like a fool without the proper running gear. I personally feel that it's a great opportunity to accessorize and try to look cute while sweating like a moose. So let me begin with the base layers. Any stylish girl who's running like her life depends on it should throw on some spandex. They are not only super comfortable but also hilarious to wear in public. I suggest Nike Pro Combat spandex if you are so daring. Unless you look like Barbie and are 110 pounds I would steer clear of the spandex shorts and go for capris or full length pants instead. I also feel like they make you faster, although I have no scientific evidence of this, I still believe it, which is good enough for me. I recently went to my local running store and bought some real running sneakers. These are essential if you want to run more than 5 miles. Although I think they are absolutely hideous, they are heavenly to run in and may save my life on longer runs, closer to the marathon. Next, I did what any self respecting girl would do and bought a matching tank top to complete the outfit. If you have long hair I suggest getting a good headband to keep your rats nest out of your face while running. A stellar heart rate monitor will keep you on track, allow you to see how many calories you are burning, and help you to keep your pace. It also ensure you aren't having a heart attack while running. (Hey, it could happen) In the near future, I hope to get a fancy water bottle fanny pack, just like my good friend Becky. I will have to ease into that though, one accessory at a time :) 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Captains Log

 I have looked at several training schedules and the general consensus is you need to be able to run at least 5 miles to begin training. If you are interested in running there are some valuable sites you can use to map out your training schedules. is one that beginning runners as well as more seasoned runners can reference. Today, I met my cousin at our local park and ran 4miles. Although it was a bit chilly and my shoe got wet and muddy I would call it a success. My goal this week is to log about 20 miles. Lets hope for some nice weather :) 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

26.2 miles?

The idea of running a marathon is one of pure insanity. Only recently did I decide that I would be down for the challenge of running 26.2 miles. In the past I had toyed with the idea, but was too lazy to make it happen. This past winter I decided that I wanted to be a runner. In an effort to make this happen I made my boyfriend do a race with me. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal but in true Smith fashion i picked a race in the middle of Winter that also happened to be at night. ( cleverly named the frost bite 5k) I ended up running in the rain, freezing for all 3.2 miles, finishing the race with snot all over my gloves and a frozen ass. Since I was able to run without dying I thought why not keep going. Since that cold winter night I have done several 5k races and also a 5 mile race with my cousin. (haven't died yet) So, why not a marathon? The past couple of weeks I have spent my days recruiting several brave soldiers including my cousin and good friends to run a marathon with me. We decided that we would run the Disney Marathon this January. Insane? Most likely. Do able? Absolutely.